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Writer's pictureStephanie Hunt

Uganda, Crusades 2024 From the Multitudes to the One: The Heart of Jesus in Gulu.

Hello my friends,

I'm so happy to be bringing you the report from my latest

overseas trip with Christ for all nations, in Gulu, Uganda.

My heart that is full, and it brings me joy to celebrate with you all the amazing things that took place! God was on the move.

After two months on the ground and serving as an intern for team Decapolis, Uganda was truly turned upside down. There were seven crusades over 35 nights with many teams spread across the country. What happened was truly historic, many evangelists from all over the world came together with the Local church to see lost souls coming into the kingdom of God on a mass scale. It was all hands-on deck!

Christ For All Nations (CFAN) was founded by the late evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, who dedicated his life to spreading the gospel. Known for his passion and fervor, preached worldwide but felt a special call to Africa, often declaring, "Africa shall be saved!" His legacy continues through his successor, Daniel Kolenda, the president and CEO of CFAN, who has conducted some of the largest evangelistic events in history.

Each large crusade is carefully planned, seeking divine guidance on where to go next. Recently, CFAN felt led to Uganda, believing it was their time!

Months before the actual Crusade, we began working together with the local church. A key part of the ministry of Christ For All Nations (CFAN) is uniting the church for one cause: to see the whole region shaken by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

My Role and Experiences:

My responsibility was to help mobilize the local church and work with the women for a large women's conference. Additionally, I had the privilege of preaching in many local churches, casting vision, equipping, and training every believer to prepare for the Crusade, as well as preaching the Gospel on the streets. At CFAN, we believe it’s essential not just to come in as ministers but to help train and equip the local church for lasting fruit.

Reinhard Bonnke once said, "I, the evangelist, bring my nets and would like to borrow the boats of the local churches. Together we will cast our nets into the human ocean and pull in a mighty catch. I promise not to take one single fish for myself, but to leave them all with the local churches. Then I will dry and mend my nets and move on to the next place."


While I was in Gulu, I saw many beautiful mango trees everywhere. It really caught my attention because every single day, I saw so much fruit falling from the trees. The falling mangoes would often startle me during lunch or meetings, hitting the roof and banging to the ground. I felt God was speaking to me about the harvest, using the falling fruit as a metaphor. Gulu was ripe for harvest! the fruit was falling from the trees! He reminded me of the scripture that speaks of the compassion Jesus has for the harvest that it is Plentiful and the need for laborers.

Matthew 9:36-38

But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

I felt the yearning of the Lord and a growing desperation to ensure we were ready for the coming harvest. I could feel the heartbeat of Jesus for Gulu, and my faith was building in anticipation of what God was going to do. Knowing there was a big harvest coming and we needed Volunteer's, we needed the Labours to help with the catch. It was hard to believe the numbers of people that started coming forth even in the last couple of weeks before the crusade. it was supernatural.


The women's conference was a great success. Something truly special happened as women from different denominations came together in prayer and unity. Friendships were formed that I believe will last a lifetime. Our committees met weekly to plan and pray.

Expectation was rising as we held prayer and intercession meetings leading up to the conference. Each meeting grew as the women prayed and interceded, breaking curses and praying for the Crusade and for each other. A unity and bond were forming in spirit and heart. The women showed their commitment by praying together every night and in early morning sessions. I believe their travail and dedication are why we saw such a move of God. I was inspired by the endurance and perseverance within the women.

God spoke to me months before I even went to Uganda about being pregnant with promise and using the women to birth something in the spirit through prayer and intercession. It was time to push and push they did.

On the day of the event, we experienced an incredible turnout. The venue was overflowing with women, and despite not having enough chairs and food God provided almost everything we needed. It was a beautiful problem to have, and we improvised together as a team and enjoyed a time of followship. We were blessed to have Evangelist Trisha Fissel as one of the quest speakers and she brought a powerful message alongside myself. Jesus was lifted up!

The presence of God was strong in the room. Women felt empowered to rise up in their true identities and roles as mothers and leaders for the next generation. They were inspired to carry the well-being of their families, communities, and nation in their hearts.

The conference showed us the power of women united in faith, many women came to the alter and gave their life to Jesus and received healing from deep hurt and pain.

'The time is now, and the Esther's are rising up!' hallelujah

Special Testimonies!

As we were driving to our outreach location, we saw a shining light coming from the clouds, like an angel descending to a specific area in the field, I had faith and knew God was going to do something special. We had driven a fair distance to get there, and upon arrival, we found it was full of people at a market. There was a looming storm with lightning and rain, and it was coming fast but we were not backing down. I felt an urgency for them to hear the Gospel and understand the urgency of the times we are living in. Now is the day of salvation, now is the time!!!!

My team member and I began to pray and preach with passion, Despite the storm, we continued our spiritual warfare, rebuking the storm and pressing on. Many people came to the altar, receiving healing and deliverance. They stood there in the rain, accepting Jesus as their Lord, and many miracles broke out. Hallelujah!

Isaiah 53:5

But he was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.


One remarkable experience I was preaching at a small church with about 40 people. I shared a message about hearing the voice of God and seeking the King. Several young adults came forward weeping, sharing how they heard God speak to them, I believe some for the first time. The reality of living for Jesus and having a relationship with Him became evident, and the entire church surrendered their lives to Jesus afresh, some had never. It was a beautiful moment I will never forget a beautiful moment of salvation and surrender!

“No amount of activity in the Kings service can make up for the neglect of the King”

G Campbell Morgan

Don't be afraid only believe!

One night, as we were driving home from an all-night prayer meeting, we encountered a woman screaming and crying for help. She begged us to take her unconscious daughter to the hospital. And we just happened to be driving past at just the right time and were able to help.

Though the mother was screaming in fear and felt unable to pray at that moment, we took them into the car, and I prayed over the little girl while her mother was hysterical. I calmed her down, assuring her that her daughter would be healed in Jesus' name as we continued to pray. I felt led to stop praying and ask the little girl to wake up. Suddenly, the little girl woke up, turned to me, and was fine. Hallelujah!

This testimony reminds me of the story of the little girl in the Bible who was dead and then woke up. Jesus said.

Mark 5:36: "Don’t be afraid; only believe."

Mark 5:41: "Little girl, I say to you, arise."


The time for the crusade finally arrived. It was crusade week! Each night, the crowds grew and grew. I was truly undone as I witnessed the book of Acts and the heart of Jesus unfold—His heart for the multitudes, His heart for those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

This experience brought to mind Acts 8, where Philip preached Christ to the multitudes in Samaria. Here’s how that scripture goes:

"Therefore, those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word. Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them. And the multitudes with one accord heeded the things spoken by Philip, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many who were possessed; and many who were paralyzed, and lame were healed. And there was great joy in that city." (Acts 8:4-8)

Christ Is Preached in Gulu:

Just like in Samaria, Christ was preached, and His glory fell upon Gulu, a wave of His power setting people free and bringing great joy to the city. I have never seen anything like it. At the crusade, many people testified to being healed and delivered from demonic torment. Individuals who had suffered for years experienced immediate healing and deliverance, and the greatest miracle of all—salvation!

There were also a number of witch doctors who repented and turned to Jesus after witnessing His power. They publicly burned their witchcraft. We do this every Cfan crusade just like they did in the book of Acts.

Acts 19:19 when it says, "A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly..."

Often people live in fear of items they have been instructed to wear by the witch doctors to ward off evil spirits or curses. Sometimes the people have been told that if they remove these charms (like a necklace or bracelet) they will die. Instead, when they surrender all to Jesus and throw those trinkets away, they find new freedom and peace.

One woman, a witch doctor since 2012, shared her story. Despite her practices, she had been tormented by pain and demons at night. After attending the crusade three days in a row, her torment ceased, she was hit with power and she openly confessed Jesus as her Lord and Savior, committing to follow Him for the rest of her life in front of the whole crowd. Hallelujah!

"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)


As I reflect on our recent crusade, I am overwhelmed by the reports we've received from local churches about how their congregations have grown. One church shared that they were so full after the crusade that people were sitting on mats just to be part of the fellowship. Another church had its first meeting, hosting 55 new believers who shared a meal together. Yet another leader Julius who is connected with my home church back in Australia, reported that 30 new believers have now joined their growing house churches, and the growth is continuing.

These testimonies are truly wonderful and deeply touch my heart. This trip is one I will never forget, and I am filled with gratitude for every single person who helped send me into the field and joined me in prayer. Together, we have shared in this abundant harvest.

I pray that this report has inspired your faith and ignited a fire in your heart as you hear these powerful testimonies of God's work.

"May God supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)

Blessings and love,

Stephanie Hunt.

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