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Writer's pictureStephanie Hunt

Germany – Look what the Lord has done!

Hi Friends, I’m very excited to share my heart with you all and some amazing testimonies that happened whilst in Germany. There were beautiful views and wonderful people I met along the way; it was precious to see the Lord move in so many ways whilst on this trip, as people from all across the world came together for this very first Cfan SOE School of evangelism – Germany. 

The students were poured into for 6 weeks by many amazing men and women of God in the classroom. Then teams spread across lake Contance preaching the gospel for two weeks straight for their initiation trip. On this trip I was a coach and really enjoyed training and leading the students. Each day we overcame many challenges, weather conditions, fear of man, spiritual warfare and the list goes on. But we never gave up as we all stood strong as a team and prayed into every situation. And God showed up every time but always in the most surprising and unexpected ways.

One of my highlights from this trip would be the students always going after the one and often saying. “Just one more”, “just one more soul” and not wanting to leave.

It remined me of Gods heart, that none shall perish, that all shall come to him. (2 Peter 3:9) 

I saw the heart of God through each student as they yielded their life daily. We all were learning to hear his voice and follow the lead of the holy spiritIt was an honor to witness the students come alive and be transformed and to see the amazing harvest that came through their lives. In total there were 843 decisions for Jesus and 19086 people heard the gospel!


Whilst the students were preaching on the streets in Tettnang, this woman stopped to listen. Evangelist Engeles and I prayed for her after we noticed she was holding her knee. She received prayer and was completely healed from all her pain! Hallelujah! 

After this miracle, we continued to pray. Engeles asked her if she believed in Jesus and shared the Gospel with her. The woman wasn’t sure if she was saved, but she knew right then and there that she needed salvation! She received Jesus as her Lord and was filled with the Holy Spirit, with tears of joy running down her face. She then shared that she felt peace in her heart that she had never felt before, peace that she couldn’t explain!

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” – Luke 19:10

Testimony – This woman first came to the nights of hope clinging to a man, who seemed to be her boyfriend, and left clinging to Jesus!!! The first night myself and many others felt such a burden to intercede for this woman and her salvation after we noticed the jacket she was wearing, which said “the darkness is on the inside”. We also noticed her clinging to a man, and she seemed to be very distracted by this relationship. Many of us had opportunities to speak life and truth to her heart, but we noticed there was still some resistance. The holy spirit was moving through the evangelist and knocking on the door of her heart and after all the contending for her salvation, and several alter calls, we saw her up the front finally receiving Jesus!!!!! Hallelujah!! 

On the final night she came with a fresh change of clothes and brought her children with her. She looked like a new person and her face was shining so bright! 

This story reminds me of Jesus, and how he leaves the 99 sheep for the one lost sheep! 

Jesus comes to restore and to bring redemption!!

This mother and daughter opened their hearts to the students after them sharing the gospel. Our students, Kinga and Silas soon became aware that there was more going on. They prayed and ministered to them both as they shared about their fear’s and their struggles in following Jesus, and how they both had been raped by men and found it hard to forgive. This brokenness and the difficult past caused their relationship to be weakened also. After the holy spirit lead, the students prayed and broke curses off their family and spoke truth about what it means to follow Jesus. They both made a decision to forgive not only the rapist, but also each other, and to come back to Jesus. There was such love and unity between them afterwards. 

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:13-14)


As I reflect on my trip to Germany, I’m blown away by the heart transformation I saw take place, not only in the students but in myself. I experienced a new thirst and hunger for God, and a deeper friendship and trust with Holy Spirit. God is after willing vessels that say, “here I am Lord, send me”. In saying that, I want to honor the Holy Spirit as He led the way and showed us all, that He is the great evangelist. As we yield to Him and trust Him, we get to see souls come into the kingdom, we get to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Something that is eternal. I saw many people on this trip with tears streaming down their face as they heard from God Himself! They become aware that God sees them, that He knows them and that they are not forgotten. There is nothing quite like hearing from the Creator of the universe! Amen. This reminds me of my life before I met Jesus and how desperate I was, and the urgency of sharing the gospel. I often shared with the students that I had never heard the gospel, no one had ever told me. This is why we go; this is why we lay our lives down, because it’s not about us, it’s about Him and people need truth. The truth that sets us free! This is my heart cry and my prayer for us all: That we will all have an urgency for the gospel, a heart that breaks for the lost, a heart that is willing to say, “Not my will, but Yours Lord! ”SO AGAIN, I SAY: “HERE I AM LORD, SEND ME.”


This trip finished off with a Jesus march and then a crusade (Nights of Hope) During the Jesus march there was a parade of people openly praising Jesus and declaring His name through the streets. The march consisted of a large group of believers from many churches all coming to lift up the name of Jesus. It was amazing to witness and be a part of. Many people stopped to listen. Jesus the name above every other name, was lifted high!

PHILIPPIANS 2:9 – 10 Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


At Nights of Hope, each night people were running to the altar, undignified and free of what man thought. They were running to Jesus for salvation, some receiving Him for the first time and others coming back to Him. People were not just giving 50%, 90% or even 99%, but 100% of their lives to Jesus. God came in His holiness and His power. People were throwing away their witchcraft and burning it; people were getting set free, healed and delivered, and to finish these nights off, there were mass baptisms. 

My thoughts: There is something happening across the world right now where people are encountering the Lord like never before. God isn’t after works; He is after surrender. It’s not just words or head knowledge, but about the Heart! God’s presence is changing hearts.

My question is “Are you all in”?

I found myself praying this prayer of surrender from Psalm 86:11-12 Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.


As you can see in the photo above this is the 81 students that graduated from the school and will now go on preaching the gospel, across the nations! This is true multiplication. To find out more about schools like these visit;

It was such an honor to serve in many ways whilst on this trip, 

I’m truly humbled to have run alongside these amazing leaders and I’m so grateful for every person I got to meet along the way.

I want to give God all the glory for everything He has done and I’m thankful that I get to celebrate this with you.

I pray this builds your faith and fills your heart with joy and I’m excited to see what the Lord does next. Thank you for all your support and going on this journey with me, I could not do this without you.

Blessing and love, 

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