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Writer's pictureStephanie Hunt

12/06/2023 Hi Friends, I’m very excited to be updating you on all the amazing things that took place on my recent trip to Zambia.I had the most amazing opportunity to serve with Cfan for Decapolis

The mission was simple; to turn Zambia upside down for the kingdom of God. There were teams on the ground for months prior to the crusades uniting the church across denominations to be one, through various events and conferences, as well as training and equipping them to make disciples so that they could continue to work and make an impact even after we left. Whilst I was in Zambia, I was a part of the Gospel Invasion. Gospel Invasion would send teams to invade the smaller communities in Zambia, to plough the ground, promote the crusades, preach the gospel, and share a message on healing. Through doing this we saw many people encounter Jesus. In just two weeks alone collectively the teams saw over 200,000 people give their lives to Jesus. I would love to share some of the journey and a few beautiful testimonies from the trip.


I had the honor and privilege of leading a team in Chawana. I was given responsibilities and tasks I had never done before and this stretched me in new ways.  I got to learn what it meant to be a good leader and also how to navigate the cultural differences that came with leading a team overseas. I began to learn how to lead well and to always seek the kingdom of God first.

Each morning, we would rise in the early hours to meet as a team to pray together and get ready for the day. There was always lots to do as we had to organize and prepare ourselves for what the day held, whether it be collecting our books, organizing our cars to get to our locations, or making sure we had fuel ready to go. At many of the gospel truck outreaches we found people that were on their way to the witchdoctor desperate for healing in their body. They heard us preaching the gospel and came to listen. Many of them received salvation and miracles in their body. We weren’t backing down or shying away. We were preaching Jesus with an urgency in our hearts for souls to not only be healed but to be saved. As a team on many occasions, we did multiple altar calls as more people had flocked because they had seen and heard of the miracles that were happening. The power of witchcraft was being broken! Hallelujah!

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…”– Romans 1:16 NIV

Wherever we went, we were bringing the kingdom of God and introducing the people of Zambia to Jesus. People were being healed, saved and delivered by the preaching of the Gospel. There was this one man who during a time of prayer, repented from witchcraft and was delivered from many demons in the crowd.  Afterwards I was able to speak with him and he said that pain had left his body. I went to bless him and he fell under the power of God and was continued to be delivered and then filled with joy and the Holy Spirit, praising God. This man shared later that week that he had suffered from fits most of his life and since that time, they had ceased. At another location, after a time of prayer for healing, a lady made her way to the front and shared how she felt a wind and something physically leave her body. She took a leap of faith and tested her body. As she did that, she realized  that the tumor that had been in her stomach for 9 years had disappeared. IT HAD GONE!

There was another lady, who was brought to the front by her friends. She had a stroke 5 months prior and since that time she couldn’t hear or speak. We prayed and she was healed and could hear and speak again. I asked her to say Jesus and she said, “Yesu!” (Which means Jesus). GLORY TO GOD!

“Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now.’”– Luke 10:9 NL

The days were long and hot, we had lack of sleep, and there were many trials and challenges that we faced. We learned through those times to fully rely on God, and we saw Him come through for us as a team time and time again. We chose to praise God through the storms and in the midst of that we saw a mighty harvest of souls. Hearts were transformed and we saw the goodness and the faithfulness of God. He is true to His word and His desire is that all shall be saved.  

“…whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”– Acts 2:21 NKJV

Momentum was building leading up to the large crusades. We had heard many testimonies of healings and miracles. Now was the moment to see it all come together. Each night the crowds grew and grew, I hadn’t seen anything like this before. People were coming from everywhere and there were miracles breaking out through the crowds.  The people of Zambia were hungry to see God move and you could feel it in the air. It was like there was a rumble in the spirit as thousands and thousands of people were crying out to Jesus for salvation. It was breathtaking to see. It is true that those who hunger and thirst shall be filled.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”– Matthew 5:6 NIV

What took place in Zambia had never been done before; 55 nights, 11 crusades and over one million documented decisions for Christ! It was truly a historic moment.

I want to honor the mighty evangelists that I had the privilege of coming alongside on this trip. They are laid down lovers of Jesus who will go to the ends of the earth to preach the gospel and it was an honor to learn from them.

I would like to say thank you with all of my heart to those who supported me in prayer and financially, none of this could have taken place without you. There were some days where it felt you were there with me on the field. Thank you for joining me in this mission, it is an honor to reap this mighty harvest with you.

I hope and pray this finds you well and that it lifts your faith, and that God will supply all your needs. I pray blessings and health over you and your family, that you may be constantly filled with God’s love and peace in Jesus’ name.

Blessings and love,


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